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Examinations are an essential part of education and student lifecycle. They are the tools used to measure the success and effectiveness of the teaching processes and methodologies. Examinations are as stressful for the teachers and administrators for the student community, for different reasons.

Students only need to worry about preparation and performance, whereas teachers and administrators have a lot to do on their part. Registration, test creation, security, evaluations, candidate verification and result tabulation are some of the important aspects of effective exam administration. Managing exams at a larger scale can be even more taxing.

Traditional examination and result computation system involve huge volumes of answer-paper scripts that become difficult to manage and are vulnerable to risks that include damaged and misplaced answer scripts. The result system also requires manual sorting, evaluation and safeguarding, which contributes to the risk of errors and biases, security concerns and may ultimately cause delays in announcing the results.

The solution lies in switching over to a digital and automated student result processing system from the current manual result processing system. Automated digital student mark analysis system are a real boon to educational institutions and testing bodies. From planning and preparing to evaluating, the student examination result processing system, in effect, frees up administrators and teachers who can focus their attention on the other important tasks. 

Benefits of Using Student Result Processing System

The main benefit of using the exam result processing services is, of course, the automated processes that are handled via the Internet overcoming the downsides of human interventions. The online result system also brings down the chances of errors, thereby improving accuracy. The whole process speeds up, helping deliver results quickly. The student examination result processing system thus streamlines the entire process benefitting all stakeholders. Some of the other benefits have been listed below:

Quicker delivery of results

Answer sheet evaluation and scoring happen instantly in the online result system allowing for quicker rank list generation.

Accurate results

Reduced human intervention brings down chances of errors, and hence, the results delivered by the student mark analysis system tend to be accurate.


Clear and thorough analysis of results leads to a comprehensive report generation which is useful for all the stakeholders involved, including teachers, administrators and students.

Bias-free checking

Reduced or nil human intervention in the student examination result processing system also makes it free from personal biases and prejudices, thereby delivering reliable, accurate and valid results.


Digitisation of the entire process makes the student result processing system transparent and objective.

MeritTrac’s Effective Exam Administration System

MeritTrac aims to make conducting exams a simple, quick and a transparent process for educational institutions and testing bodies. We offer end-to-end examination management services right from application processing, pre-exam services and exam administration to marking and exam result processing services.

Following are some of the salient features of our student examination result processing system:

  • Simplified processing that allows for anywhere, anytime application filing and submission via the online route as well as the acceptance of the physical OMR application form.
  • Our student examination result processing system is designed to allow the flexibility of online tests, computer based tests, paper-based and OMR exam administration.
  • Enhanced security irrespective of the exam channel.
  • Biometrics-based authentication for candidate verification, exam invigilation, and proctoring helps to avoid impersonation and cheating.  
  • The student result processing system allows answer script scanning, marking system configuration, and report compilation for faster result generation.
  • The result processing system involves score calculation, rank-list generation and e-score card upload.
  • Marked scripts are archived for future reference making the system RTI compliant.
  • MeritTrac’s examination processing services is entirely transparent and is audit ready at all times.


TracMarks is MeritTrac’s on-screen marking solution. It allows administrators to scan and digitise pen-and-paper answer scripts and electronically distribute them to evaluators for on-screen marking. The system makes it easier to tap into a geographically distributed pool of evaluators allowing for collaboration and coordination via the system’s messaging system. Enhanced accuracy, security and transparency at reduced costs are the hallmarks of TracMarks. 

Some of the key functions of this system are:

  • Preparing scanned answer scripts ready for digital evaluation.
  • Enabling on-screen marking with options including annotations, comments, and suggestions.
  • User-friendly dashboard to monitor evaluation progress.
e book

MeritTrac Reduces Evaluation Time to 2 Months with On-Screen Marking System


1. What is a student result processing system?

A. A student result processing system is an automated digital solution for planning, preparing and evaluating examinations.

2. Who can benefit from a student result management system?

A. Student examination and result computation systems can prove useful for educational institutions and other examination testing bodies.

3. What are the advantages of student examination result processing systems?

A. Student result systems can effectively take care of every aspect of exam administration. Application processing, candidate authentication, the flexibility of conducting online, OMR and paper-based testing with enhanced security, transparency and of course faster and accurate result processing are some of the key features of the system.

4. What is TracMARKS?

A. TracMarks is one of MeritTrac’s on-screen marking solution that allows the digitisation of pen-and-paper answer scripts. The scanned copies of answer scripts can be electronically distributed to a geographically distributed pool of expert evaluators. Accuracy, security, transparency and reduced costs are some of the unique features of TracMARKS.