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JavaScript is one of the most learned scripting languages by developers, and it is widely used for both web and application development. Today this versatile language is used not only for running design and animation related functions in the browser but also for writing code. Organisations seek the expertise of JavaScript developers to add basic to advanced functional features to their web pages and other web products. These developers add logic that defines the behaviour of visual elements shown in a web application. A seamless functioning of these aspects is crucial for delivering a glitch-free end-user experience. 

There are a large number of entry-level and experienced professionals in the job market with knowledge of this programming language. This is because developers strive to master JavaScript due to the highly rewarding job opportunities it provides. For recruiters, the challenge is finding the right candidates whose skills match up to their expectations. To address this challenge, seasoned recruiters rely on JavaScript online test offered by online assessment platforms. These coding tests make it easy to analyse if a candidate has the skills required to work as a JavaScript Programmer. A few of the most commonly required skills in this field of work are listed below.

Key Skills Required for JavaScript Programmers

  • Knowledge of platforms and browsers: This is a basic requirement for all developers. They will be able to apply new technologies only if they have a thorough understanding of how platforms and browsers operate.
  • Asynchronous Programming: While synchronous programming leads to block in instructions, asynchronous programming helps to execute all operations at once. This can help improve the performance and speed of websites and applications.
  • Functional Programming: Developers with knowledge of functional programming can write code that is concise and easier to execute, test, alter and have fewer side-effects.
  • Memory Efficient Code Writing: Developers need to know how to write efficient code that does not cause leaks in memory or slow down web performance.
  • Industry Updates: Developers who are aware of new technologies, devices, tools, applications are in a better position to provide unique and updated solutions to clients. This will help your company stay ahead of the competition and gain more revenue.
  • Communication Skills: Developers must be able to properly communicate their thoughts and ideas with fellow programmers, other team members and clients. 

A few other topics a candidate must be aware of include control flow, error handling, data models, DOM manipulation, object-oriented approach, functional approach etc. If you are searching for candidates who possess the above-listed skills, then you can cut short your hiring time with MeritTrac’s JavaScript assessment platforms. Recruiters from non-technical backgrounds will find MeritTrac’s JavaScript online test simple and easy to use. This way, you can accelerate your JavaScript programmer hiring process and improve workforce productivity within a stipulated time.

Applications of MeritTrac Assessment Solutions

MeritTrac’s assessment platforms use performance and knowledge-based approach to identify a job applicant’s domain-specific technical competencies. You can pre-screen skilled candidates with a range of aptitude tests and JavaScript online test. These tests can be administered during the pre-hiring stage, and the candidates who score well can be called for an interview. This helps you focus only on those candidates who possess all the necessary skills required to perform the job. 

MeritTrac’s platform also helps you in planning pre and post-training testing, which are crucial for building a strong workforce. JavaScript online test can be used to identify skill gaps in your current group of programmers. The robust report mechanism of MeritTrac platforms provides comprehensive details on employee performance. Learning and development teams can use this data to create impactful training programs for the employees.

MeritTrac Platform for JavaScript Programming Assessment

CodeTrac offered by MeritTrac is highly preferred by recruiters for administering JavaScript coding test. The assessment platform has a range of features that make it easy to filter out entry-level and experienced candidates with knowledge of JavaScript.

Some of the salient features of CodeTrac are:

  • Platform for JavaScript online test coding
  • Equipped with all-inclusive software development features
  • Real-time feedback mechanism for quick assessment of coding skills
  • Performance benchmarking to find the ideal candidate 
  • Auto evaluation for on-time decision making

The MeritTrac Advantage

MeritTrac has over 350 plus test domains that can be used to measure the job-specific skills of candidates. With MeritTrac’s JavaScript aptitude and coding tests, you can find candidates with the right domain knowledge and specialised skill sets quickly. You can also administer communication and cognitive aptitude tests through MeritTrac platforms to determine job suitability, cognitive competence, and behavioural traits of the selected candidates.


1. Why is CodeTrac the best platform for assessing JavaScript skills?

CodeTrac offers an integrated programming environment (IDE) which makes it easy to assess JavaScript online coding skills. The many features of this platform makes it easy for recruiters from technical and non-technical backgrounds to administer JavaScript tests.

2. How does CodeTrac work for domain assessment of a candidate?

You can follow the below-listed steps for a hassle-free JavaScript online test coding: Read the test instructions on CodeTrac assessment platform You can administer multiple-choice or test-case based questions Start live coding in an IDE by accessing the source file Go through the programming instructions and save the project Organise and run programs View candidate assessment results and submit the assessment

3. What are the types of questions featured in MeritTrac’s online domain assessment tests?

MeritTrac’s JavaScript tests feature a range of true or false questions, fill in the blanks, MCQs, and project-based coding questions that can be customised.

4. Why choose MeritTrac’s recruitment assessment solution?

ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001, and CMMI Level 5 certified Asses a large number of job applicants at the same time Plug and play model for easy use on multiple devices Auto analysis for quick result generation Identify employee skill needs Use reports to create training and development programs.