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Smart classrooms, hi-tech labs and most importantly, online paper examination systems are bringing about a digital transformation in the education sector creating. Schools, colleges, universities and centres of excellence are gradually shifting from traditional paper-based evaluations to online evaluation systems.

Some of the key challenges involved in the traditional examination methods include: 

Fair and error-free evaluation practices and timely result delivery is a must in the highly competitive education scene. Digital evaluation systems help to overcome the challenges faced by examiners in the most efficient manner. The adoption of online evaluation systems has made life easier for teachers, exam administrators, and moderators who undergo a tremendous amount of stress during the examination time.

Advantages of Online Evaluation System

At its core, evaluation of answer scripts is challenging. Examiners have a tough time assessing huge volumes of answer scripts belonging to students of various education levels. They assess a student’s knowledge in several different subjects and their basic to advanced learning levels. Online exam administration and evaluation systems make it easy to provide a personalised learning experience for the students as their scores, grades and performance are tracked in the centralised system. Online evaluation systems have specifically reversed the difficulties that came along with paper-based evaluation. These systems help to:

  • Centralise and streamline exam administering and assessment
  • Reduce high cost, effort and time taken to evaluate the answer sheets manually
  • Scan and encrypt copies of answer sheets for quick and secure sharing
  • On-screen evaluation of paper-based descriptive answer scripts
  • Cuts down the chance for malpractice and improves reliable assessment of answer sheets
  • Options to add comments and feedback for student’s reference
  • Auto grading features to reduce human errors
  • Evaluate answer scripts from a desktop, laptop or web-enabled device
  • Easy retrieval of answer scripts as per request from students or teachers
  • Keep track of each student’s result and ranks
  • Check specific results of a student and map their progress over time

The timely evaluation facilitated by online platforms brings down the waiting time and provides instant exam results to the students. With such immediate feedback mechanisms, a student can analyse their academic progress, their strengths and weaknesses quickly. The online evaluation process also frees up the time of the teachers so they can focus on the academic development of the students. The results can be analysed to identify areas of low performance so that teachers can focus on those learning gaps. The detailed reports help to create specific learning programs for these students, which leads to a better learning outcome and boosts the confidence of the students.

MeritTrac Solution for Online Evaluation

MeritTrac’s online evaluation solutions have been used by schools and colleges in India to simplify the task of answer sheet evaluation. TracMarks is an online authoring and marking solution offered by MeritTrac to simplify your exam paper assessment needs. It is highly used to digitise paper-based answer scripts and facilitates the quick, easy and timely evaluation.

TracMarks is a highly efficient evaluation system that works in the following ways.

Paper-based answer scripts are scanned for digital on-screen marking

  • The scanned answer copies are encrypted and electronically distributed to examiners
  • TracMarks enables on-screen marking and provides options to include edit marks, comments, and suggestions
  • An easy to use dashboard to assess the progress of the evaluation
  • A state of the art internal communication system for smooth coordination and collaborative work with examiners

With TracMarks, you can overcome many logistical challenges and time constraints involved in couriering answer scripts to examiners in different geographic locations.

TracMarks makes it easy for you to instantly and securely distribute encrypted digital copies to the examiners. This is done by scanning the answer scripts, encrypting the files, transferring them to a data centre, and providing access to the examiners. Once the examiners evaluate the answer scripts with the online marking system, the files can be securely retrieved as per your convenience.


1. Why should you adopt online evaluation systems?

Many schools and educational institutions still depend on traditional paper-based evaluation and are unaware of the benefits of online evaluation systems. These systems are suitable for both computer-based and paper-based answer scripts, so optimising your school’s test evaluation process is quite easy. Online evaluation systems contribute to better student engagement and learning through its bias-free assessment process. Whether you’re running a computer-based exam or a paper-based exam, you can take advantage of this intuitive and advanced technology for your evaluation needs.

2. What are the benefits of online exam evaluation systems?

Online evaluation systems simplify the labour-intensive task of manually collating and correcting answer papers and sharing the results. It cuts the costs that go into printing and distributing the question/answer papers with students and examiners. With online evaluation systems, you can quickly scan and mark paper-based answer scripts digitally. Evaluating these answer scripts and creating reports will take only half of the time through the online system.

3. How can MeritTrac simplify your exam administration and evaluation needs?

MeritTrac provides platforms that simplify various aspects of the examination process. Some of the key services offered by us include:

  • Exam centre identification and certification
  • Online/OMR based application processing
  • An online test booking system
  • Easy exam scheduling with exam content management
  • Flexibility to administer multiple-choice, self-report, interactive questions, detailed text descriptions and other question types
  • On-screen evaluation anywhere, any time
  • Auto-grading and instant score generation
  • SMS/email alerts
  • E-hall tickets
  • Payment gateway support

4. What are the USPs of MeritTrac’s evaluation systems?

  • ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001, and CMMI Level 5 certified
  • 100 percent transparent process
  • Manage large scale test evaluation
  • Quick turnaround of results